Sunday, September 6, 2015


She who rules the sea.

In her gossamer dress she rises.

Radiant in her unearthly beauty.

Every man’s heart beats fast, their souls aglow.

Never shall they escape the wrath of

She who rules the sea.


The bond has been broken.
Disconnected from earth.
Only to fall and rise again.

Tendrils of cool air embrace.
On the crescent of the moon.
Gravity long gone.

I can see you below my feet,
Hiding what you can't see,
You turn away.

I fly down to where you stand.
At the edge of the cliff.
Over the black sea.

You feel me instantly;
And I do not hesitate,
From what my heart most desires.

My hands gently run through your hair,
Shining silver in the moonlight.
As my lips just flutter over yours.

Tears pour down your face.
Staring right through where I stand.
As you whisper "I love you."

A final goodbye we have to make.
I may be here but can't be seen.
Only a memory.
As you lower roses.
On the white wooden cross.
That marks my grave.